Customer Service Manager

Asleigh Pensyl

Hi there! I'm Ashleigh Pensyl, your Customer Service Manager and trusted Skin Consultant at Georgetown Allure Medical Spa. With a rich background as a Licensed Medical Esthetician spanning over ten years, I'm here to guide you with expert advice and support towards the perfect treatment options for your aesthetic goals. Renowned for my passion, patience, and professionalism, I strive to make every client's experience personalized, ensuring you feel understood and valued every step of the way

My Journey:

My pathway into aesthetic medicine was driven by a deep-seated passion for helping others achieve their desired beauty outcomes. This journey has been enriched with extensive hands-on experience and a commitment to continuous education, allowing me to provide tailored care and recommendations based on the latest and most effective treatments available.

My Role:

At Georgetown Allure Medical Spa, I serve as a pivotal link between our clients and the wide range of services we offer. I take great pride in my ability to listen carefully, empathize genuinely, and guide you towards treatment options that resonate with your personal needs. My extensive experience in the aesthetic field equips me with the knowledge to offer you expert advice, ensuring your decisions are made with confidence and clarity.

When I'm Not at the Spa:

Away from the spa, my world revolves around my family. As a devoted wife and mother to two beautiful little girls, family time is where my heart is. Whether we're exploring the outdoors, enjoying cozy movie nights, or simply sharing laughter over dinner, these moments are my sanctuary. This deep family connection fuels my passion for skincare and wellness, inspiring me to help others look and feel their best, just as I wish for my own family.

A Quote:

"In the realm of beauty and wellness, the journey is as personal as the destination. Together, with patience and passion, we'll unlock the beauty that resides within you, ensuring you look and feel your absolute best."