Georgetown Allure Medical Spa Policies

Georgetown Allure Medical Spa Policies


This document comprehensively details the policies of Georgetown Allure Medical Spa. It is essential that these policies are read and understood, as they outline the mutual expectations and agreements between the spa and its clients.

  1. Client Rights and Responsibilities
  • Informed Consent: Clients acknowledge having received exhaustive information about treatments, including their risks, benefits, and alternatives. This ensures the right to be thoroughly informed, facilitating an understanding of potential treatment outcomes.
  • Confidentiality and Respect: Georgetown Allure is firmly committed to respecting client privacy. All personal and health information is handled with the utmost level of confidentiality and respect, safeguarding client privacy at all times.
  • Adherence to Instructions: It is crucial for clients to meticulously follow all pre and post-treatment instructions provided by the spa. This compliance is fundamental to the effectiveness and safety of treatments.
  • Accurate Medical History: Clients confirm they have provided a complete and truthful account of their medical history. This includes all medications, drug use, allergies, and previous medical interventions, which is critical for safe and effective treatment planning.
  • Compliance with Spa Guidelines: Clients agree to rigorously adhere to all spa guidelines and policies. This includes, but is not limited to, the cancellation policy, membership policy, and other terms and conditions as set forth by Georgetown Allure Medical Spa.
  1. Treatment Consent and Suitability
  • Authorization for Procedures: Clients give explicit consent to qualified practitioners at Georgetown Allure Medical Spa to perform skin and body enhancement treatments. This consent covers all specified body areas, including the face, neck, and décolletage.
  • Comprehensive Understanding of Treatment Impact: Clients acknowledge being informed of both the benefits and potential risks associated with treatments. They understand that individual results may vary based on factors like age, skin condition, and lifestyle.
  • Consent to Treatment Decisions: Clients trust the professional judgment and expertise of the spa staff regarding the suitability of specific treatments. This trust extends to the staff's assessment of treatments most appropriate based on the client's medical history and current health status.
  • Flexibility in Treatment Plans: Clients are aware that treatment plans might need adjustment or modification. These changes are necessary steps in achieving the best possible results and are accepted as part of the treatment process.
  1. Service Quality Assurance and Financial Agreement
  • Acknowledgment of Service Adaptation Rights: Clients understand and acknowledge that Georgetown Allure Medical Spa reserves the right to modify, adapt, or update its services and treatment protocols. These changes are essential for maintaining the highest standards of service quality, client safety, and overall spa experience.
  • Financial Obligation Acknowledgment: Clients affirm their commitment to meet all financial responsibilities associated with the treatments as outlined by Georgetown Allure. The transparent communication of the fee structure is acknowledged, and clients consent to the stipulated charges.
  1. Health and Safety Compliance
  • Commitment to Adherence: Clients express their commitment to follow all health and safety protocols as prescribed by Georgetown Allure Medical Spa. This includes adhering to general safety guidelines and specific protocols tailored to each treatment.
  • Understanding of Protocol Importance: Clients recognize the critical importance of these health and safety measures. They are aware that non-compliance can result in adverse effects to health and potentially compromise treatment quality.
  • Active Participation in Safety Measures: Clients commit to actively participating in and complying with all safety measures. This includes providing accurate health information and adhering to recommended lifestyle guidelines affecting treatment outcomes.
  1. Exculpatory Clause and Data Privacy
  • Waiver of Legal Claims: Clients explicitly waive any right to initiate legal action against Georgetown Allure Medical Spa for reasons related to the services provided, their involvement in business operations, or their presence within the premises of the spa.
  • Personal Data Management Consent: Clients give explicit consent for the careful handling and management of their personal and health-related data. This management will be in strict accordance with applicable privacy laws and regulations.
  1. COVID-19 Specific Clause and Appointment Policies
  • Pandemic Safety Acknowledgment and Compliance: Clients are fully aware of the ongoing risks associated with COVID-19. They agree to abide by all safety measures and protocols implemented by Georgetown Allure Medical Spa in response to the pandemic.
  • Appointment Changes and Cancellations: Clients understand the necessity of providing a minimum 72-hour notice for any appointment changes to avoid incurring cancellation or rescheduling fees. A rescheduling fee of $100 is acknowledged if rescheduling occurs within 72 hours of the scheduled time. A no-show fee of $200 is agreed upon for failing to confirm an appointment change up to 24 hours before the scheduled time. Clients acknowledge a grace period of 10 minutes for appointments, beyond which the appointment will be considered a no-show.
  1. Membership Terms and Cancellation Policy
  • Minimum Membership Commitment: Clients understand that a minimum commitment of three months is required for all membership levels at Georgetown Allure Medical Spa. Membership fees will be billed on the first of each month, and clients are aware that they can accumulate up to a maximum of three monthly credits. Any excess credits will convert to retail credit, which will expire upon membership cancellation.
  • Cancellation Procedures: Clients understand that membership cancellations must be made via email to at least 15 days prior to the next billing cycle. Cancellations are not accepted by phone or in person. All dues must be settled before the cancellation can be processed, and any unused credits will be forfeited upon cancellation.
  • Non-Payment and Membership Cancellation: Clients are aware that if there is non-payment for a period of 120 days, their membership will be canceled, and any accumulated credits will be lost. Membership pause requests must be made via email at least 15 days prior to the next billing cycle, and the maximum pause duration is three months.
  1. General Terms and Conditions
  • Acknowledgment of Service Terms: By availing of services, clients acknowledge their understanding and acceptance of these terms. Electronic or written signature will be required as proof of agreement to these terms.
  • Financial Commitment Payment Plan: Clients acknowledge the non-cancellable and non-refundable nature of finance plans like Cherry, Affirm, and CareCredit.
  • Return Policy: All sales are final with no provision for refunds or exchanges.
  1. Privacy Policy and Amendments
  • Privacy Practices: The Privacy Policy outlines the collection, use, protection, and disclosure of personal information. Clients consent to these practices as part of using Georgetown Allure Medical Spa services.
  • Policy Amendments: Clients will be notified of significant changes to this policy, requiring consent where applicable.

Confirmation of Agreement

Clients confirm their comprehensive understanding and acceptance of all terms, conditions, and policies of Georgetown Allure Medical Spa. They acknowledge that all necessary information has been provided in a clear and understandable manner.