Admin Assistant

Kim Rojas

Hello there! I'm Kim Rojas, the Administrative Assistant at Georgetown Allure Medical Spa. My journey into the realm of medical aesthetics has been incredibly fulfilling, driven by my passion to ensure our clients leave feeling their absolute best. Understanding that my role transcends mere assistance, I'm dedicated to nurturing confidence and wellness in every client interaction.

My Journey:

Though my career initially started in administration, it was a personal realization of the transformative power of self-confidence that steered me towards medical aesthetics. By honing my skills in customer service and client relations, I've cultivated a strong commitment to delivering exceptional beauty care.

My Role:

At Georgetown Allure Medical Spa, my focus is on curating exceptional experiences for every client. From managing appointments to gathering feedback, I take pride in comprehending each client's unique needs, ensuring their visit is nothing short of memorable. We treat every inquiry earnestly, striving to evolve and bond as a cohesive family.

My Philosophy:

As an administrative assistant, my philosophy centers on promoting holistic wellness for our clients. I believe in addressing not just their physical appearance but also their mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Recognizing that true beauty emanates from within, I aim to empower our clients to feel confident, balanced, and fulfilled. Through personalized skincare treatments, I endeavor to support their journey towards holistic wellness, ensuring they leave our spa feeling rejuvenated inside and out.

When I’m Not at the Spa:

Outside of work, I find joy in various activities such as working out, cooking delicious meals, experimenting with makeup, spending quality time with family and friends, indulging in sewing and creating my own outfits. Additionally, I'm passionate about learning about law, which is my other career path, always seeking opportunities to aid others.

A Quote:

"Achieving self-confidence through self-care is not just an investment in yourself, but also in creativity and personal growth."