Operations Manager

Gal Sellouk

Hey, I'm Gal, your go-to person behind the scenes at Georgetown Allure Medical Spa. As the Operational Manager, I'm not the one wielding the magic wand for treatments, but I'm here to ensure everything runs like clockwork, and guide through every step of the way.

I am dedicated to creating impeccable experience for you, ensuring that every detail is meticulously arranged for your journey towards glowing skin. Join me on this beauty adventure, and let's stride forward hand in hand!

My Journey

My career journey initially led me to the dynamic world of skincare sales, eventually propelling me into the fulfilling role of Operational Manager at Georgetown Allure Medical Spa. Despite my initial background in sales, it was a pivotal and enlightening moment when I discovered the profound impact I could have on helping people address their skin concerns. This realization not only resonated deeply with me but also ignited an enduring passion for aesthetic medicine. Over time, my expertise has flourished, allowing me to specialize in creating positively transformative, personalized routines and treatments. Guiding my cherished clients toward their radiant skin goals brings me immense joy, as I am genuinely committed to making them feel and look their absolute best on this uplifting journey.

My Role

As the Operational Manager at Georgetown Allure Medical Spa, my dedication is to ensure the seamless operation and excellence in every aspect of our services. I oversee and optimize various facets, such as appointment scheduling, resource allocation, and staff coordination. My goal is to create an efficient and welcoming environment for both clients and the spa team, ensuring a smooth experience from arrival to departure. Your satisfaction and the smooth functioning of our operations are my top priorities.

I firmly believe that genuine beauty emanates from within. To truly unlock one's beauty potential, it's essential to look at it from the inside out. Our bodies function like well-oiled machines, and by taking care of ourselves—maintaining a balanced diet, engaging in regular workouts, staying hydrated, and ensuring ample sleep—we can cultivate beauty from within. Simultaneously, actively nurturing our skin with quality ingredients is the key to radiating beauty outward. It's the harmonious blend of internal well-being and external care that brings forth the true essence of beauty

When I’m Not at the Spa

When not in the spa, I love to spend time with my fur baby, cook, and spend time outdoors,  hiking or lounging on the beach (With LOTS of sunscreen)

A Quote or Tip

“Sunscreen is the best Anti Aging product!”