Sensitive Skin Facial

Sensitive Skin Facial

Regular price$210.00

The Sensitive Skin Facial, inspired for those prone to redness and inflammation including those with rosacea, gently nurtures and soothes to strengthen the skin barrier.

Short Description

Georgetown Allure Medical Spa Sensitive Skin Facial uses natural ingredients such as Acai, maitake mushrooms, maca root, niacinamide, and turmeric. Provides a gentle and hydrating experience that soothes and strengthens the skin barrier for those with sensitive skin prone to redness and inflammation.

Long Description:

Georgetown Allure is proud to offer our exclusive Sensitive Skin Facial, inspired by those prone to redness and inflammation, including those with rosacea. Our team of highly trained medical estheticians understand the delicate nature of sensitive skin and have developed a treatment that utilizes only the most gentle and effective ingredients.

This facial incorporates a combination of powerful natural ingredients, including Acai, maitake mushrooms, maca root, niacinamide, and turmeric, to provide a soothing and rejuvenating experience for your skin. These ingredients have been carefully selected for their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, as well as their ability to strengthen and protect the skin barrier.

At the start of your treatment, our estheticians will thoroughly cleanse and assess your skin to determine the best approach for your individual needs. They will then begin the facial, which includes a gentle exfoliation using the Dr. Dennis Gross Ultra Gentle Peel to remove dead skin cells and stimulate circulation. Next, a customized mask is applied, utilizing the powerful ingredients to calm and nourish the skin.

Enjoy a relaxing massage of your face, neck, and shoulders, promoting lymphatic drainage and further reducing inflammation. To finish, a moisturizer and sun protection are applied to protect your newly revitalized skin. Schedule your appointment today to reveal soft, smooth and hydrated skin.

Sensitive Skin Facial Benefits:

  • Soothing Calmness: Designed for delicate skin, this facial significantly reduces redness and inflammation, offering a gentle respite for reactive complexions.
  • Barrier Enhancement: Ingredients like niacinamide and turmeric work synergistically to fortify the skin's barrier, reducing susceptibility to irritants and environmental stressors.
  • Anti-Inflammatory Action: Natural components such as Acai, maitake mushrooms, and maca root provide potent anti-inflammatory benefits, soothing and calming the skin.
  • Hydration Boost: The Sensitive Skin Facial deeply hydrates, leaving the skin feeling soft, supple, and revitalized, crucial for maintaining the health of sensitive skin.
  • Antioxidant Protection: Rich in antioxidants, this facial combats free radicals, protecting the skin from oxidative stress and promoting a healthier, more balanced complexion.

Pre-Facial Care Instructions:

  • Avoid Irritants: Discontinue the use of any potentially irritating skin care products, such as those containing acids or retinoids, a few days prior to the facial.
  • Gentle Preparation: Cleanse your skin with a mild, fragrance-free cleanser to ensure it's free of impurities without causing undue stress before the treatment.
  • Hydration Focus: Increase your intake of water and hydrating foods to prepare your skin for optimal moisture absorption during the facial.

Post-Facial Care Instructions:

  • Minimal Product Use: Post-treatment, keep your skincare routine minimal and stick to hypoallergenic, non-irritating products to maintain the calming effects of the facial.
  • Sun Protection: Ensure you apply a gentle, mineral-based sunscreen to protect the sensitive skin from UV rays which can exacerbate redness and irritation.
  • Continued Care: Follow the tailored skincare regimen suggested by your esthetician to continuously manage sensitivity and maintain the benefits of the facial.

Embrace a new era of skin wellness with the Sensitive Skin Facial at Georgetown Allure, where we understand the unique needs of sensitive skin and offer a sanctuary of healing and nurturing, revealing your skin’s true potential for calmness and clarity.


Q: Who can benefit from the Sensitive Skin Facial at Georgetown Allure?

A: Our Sensitive Skin Facial is ideal for anyone with sensitive skin prone to redness and inflammation, including individuals with rosacea. It's a gentle and nurturing treatment designed to soothe and strengthen the skin barrier.

Q: What are the key ingredients used in the Sensitive Skin Facial?

A: Our Sensitive Skin Facial incorporates natural ingredients such as Acai, maitake mushrooms, maca root, niacinamide, and turmeric. These ingredients are carefully selected for their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, making them ideal for calming and nourishing sensitive skin.

Q: Is there any downtime or discomfort associated with the Sensitive Skin Facial?

A: The Sensitive Skin Facial is known for its gentle and hydrating experience. There is typically no downtime, and clients can return to their daily activities immediately after the session. It's a relaxing and soothing treatment that should not cause discomfort.

Q: How long does a session of the Sensitive Skin Facial usually last, and when can I expect to see results?

A: A single session of the Sensitive Skin Facial typically takes about 45 minutes to an hour. Many clients notice immediate improvements in redness and skin texture after the first treatment. For optimal and lasting results, a series of sessions may be recommended, depending on your skin's unique needs.

Q: Can the Sensitive Skin Facial help with long-term skin health?

A: Yes, the Sensitive Skin Facial is designed not only to provide immediate relief but also to improve the long-term health of sensitive skin. It strengthens the skin barrier, reduces inflammation, and enhances hydration, resulting in soft, smooth, and hydrated skin with regular treatments.

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