Acne Facial

Acne Facial

Regular price$220.00
The Acne Facial focuses on targeting stubborn acne, breakouts, and oily skin with a specialized combination of treatments including a gentle peel, blue LED therapy, and a customized serum.

Georgetown Allure Medical Spa offers a customized acne facial treatment. We use a variety of therapies customized to you to achieve desired results. This includes Dr. Dennis Gross skincare products, a gentle peel, blue LED therapy. We also provide a customized serum containing active ingredients such as salicylic acid, lactic acid, glycolic acid, and mandelic acid. This combination addresses stubborn acne, occasional breakouts, acne-prone skin, large pores, and oily skin. Your first session will include a full skin analysis to determine the best long-term plan for your skin.

Top 3 Benefits:

  • Clears Stubborn Acne Effectively
  • Refines and Unclogs Pores
  • Regulates Skin's Oil Balance

Schedule Today:

Discover the Best Acne Facial in Washington, D.C. at Georgetown Allure Medical Spa. Our expert estheticians unlock your ultimate solution to target stubborn acne, refine pores, and regulate oil balance. By combining a gentle peel, blue LED therapy, and customized serums featuring Dr. Dennis Gross skincare products, we ensure expert care. Say goodbye to acne and hello to newfound confidence. Schedule your appointment today and embark on your skincare journey with us.

Long Description: 

Do you struggle with stubborn acne, occasional breakouts, or oily skin? At Georgetown Allure Medical Spa, we understand the stress and pain that these skincare concerns cause. Everyone's journey with acne is different, and that is why we offer a customized acne facial treatment using Dr. Dennis Gross skincare products, performed by our knowledgeable and compassionate Medical Estheticians.

During your first appointment, our Medical Esthetician will take the time to get to know you and your unique skin care needs. They will conduct a thorough skin analysis to determine the best  treatment plan for you. The Acne Facial is customized to meet your specific concerns, as we believe that everyone’s skin is unique.

Our acne facial treatment includes a gentle peel, red or blue LED therapy, and a customized serum to address your specific concerns. The gentle peel helps to remove dead skin cells and unclog pores, while blue LED therapy uses a specific wavelength of light to kill acne-causing bacteria. The products used include powerful ingredients such as salicylic acid, lactic acid, glycolic acid, and mandelic acid. These ingredients work together to reduce inflammation, regulate oil production, and unclog pores, leaving your skin looking and feeling its best.

Not only can an acne facial help to improve the appearance of your skin, but it can also provide long-term benefits for managing acne. Our Medical Esthetician can recommend a series of treatments spaced several weeks apart, along with at-home skincare products to help maintain your results.

At Georgetown Allure Medical Spa, we're committed to providing our clients with the highest quality skincare treatments in a warm and welcoming environment. We believe that everyone deserves to feel confident and beautiful in their own skin, and we're here to help you achieve that.

If you're ready to say goodbye to stubborn acne and hello to clearer, smoother, and healthier skin, schedule an appointment with our Medical Esthetician today. We are ready to help you achieve your skincare goals.

Acne Facial Benefits

  • Targeted Acne Treatment: Directly addresses active breakouts, reducing their appearance and preventing new ones.
  • Pore Refinement: Deep cleanses to visibly shrink and unclog pores for a smoother complexion.
  • Oil Control: Regulates sebum production to maintain a balanced, less oily skin surface.
  • Inflammation Reduction: Calms irritated skin, reducing redness and swelling associated with acne.
  • Enhanced Skin Healing: Accelerates the healing process of existing blemishes and prevents scarring.

Pre-Facial Care Instructions

  • Gentle Preparation: Avoid any harsh skin treatments or exfoliation 48 hours prior to your facial.
  • Skin Assessment: Come with a bare face—no makeup, to allow for a comprehensive skin analysis.
  • Relaxed Approach: Clear your schedule post-facial to let the treatment work its magic without the stress.

Post-Facial Care Instructions

  • Minimal Contact: Keep hands away from treated areas to prevent irritation and the spread of bacteria.
  • Post-Treatment Patience: Allow your skin to absorb the benefits of the facial by avoiding heavy skincare products for the next 24 hours.
  • Sun Protection: Shield your skin with a gentle, non-comedogenic SPF to protect against UV rays without clogging pores.


Q: What is an acne facial?

A: An acne facial is a facial designed for anyone suffering from the occasional breakout to persistent or stubborn break-outs. Acne facials are also recommended to anyone with overly clogged, or enlarged pores, and oily skin. Our acne facial utilizes products that rid the skin of unwanted bacteria, gently exfoliate, and help the skin to heal.

Q: Can I get an Acne Facial with active breakouts?

A: Getting an acne facial is a great idea especially if you need extractions. If not done professionally extractions can cause unwanted scarring and hyperpigmentation. 

Q: What are the benefits of getting an acne facial?

A: Acne facials can provide a number of benefits for the skin, including deep cleansing of the pores, exfoliation to remove dead skin cells and unclog pores, reduction of inflammation and redness, and hydration of the skin. They can also help to prevent future breakouts and improve the overall appearance and texture of the skin.

Q: What should I expect during an acne facial?

A: During an acne facial, you can expect to have your skin thoroughly cleansed and exfoliated. Your esthetician may use steam to open up your pores, and then perform extractions to remove blackheads and other impurities. They may also apply targeted treatment products such as salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide to help reduce inflammation and prevent future breakouts.

Q:  Is there after-care or down time after the Acne Facial?

A: After getting an acne facial, it's important to take proper care of your skin to maximize the benefits of the treatment and prevent any irritation or breakouts. To do so, avoid touching your face, wearing makeup, and strenuous exercise for at least 24 hours after the facial. Additionally, stay out of the sun, use a gentle skincare routine, and avoid picking at your skin. It's also important to follow any specific aftercare instructions given by your esthetician to ensure the best results.

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